7 Best Practices for SaaS Design Systems

Learn about 7 best practices for creating efficient design systems in SaaS UI design.
SaaS Designer
August 14, 2024

As you build your SaaS design system, you’re likely wondering what sets successful systems apart from those that fall short. The answer lies in adopting a set of best practices that guarantee consistency, efficiency, and continuous improvement.

By establishing a single source of truth, defining a clear governance model, and prioritizing design reusability, you’ll be well on your way to creating a system that enhances user experience and satisfaction.

That’s just the beginning though.

There are four more critical practices to explore, and mastering them will make all the difference in driving your SaaS product forward.

1. Establish a Single Source of Truth

Define a centralized repository that serves as the single source of truth for your SaaS design system, ensuring all stakeholders access consistent and up-to-date design components, guidelines, and assets. This centralized hub will streamline your design process, reducing confusion and miscommunication. You’ll have a single reference point for design documentation, making it easier to maintain and update your design system.

As you build your repository, prioritize clarity and organization. Organize your design components, guidelines, and assets in a logical and easily accessible manner. This will enable your team to quickly find the resources they need, ensuring consistency across your SaaS application.

Additionally, make sure to incorporate user feedback into your design documentation, allowing you to refine and improve your design system over time. By establishing a single source of truth, you’ll be able to efficiently manage your design system, ensuring it remains a valuable asset for your organization.

2. Define a Clear Governance Model

As you define a clear governance model for your SaaS design system, you’ll need to establish a framework that outlines roles and responsibilities, decision-making processes, and an asset management plan.

This will guarantee that everyone involved in the design system knows what’s expected of them and how to contribute.

2.1 Roles and Responsibilities

You’ll need to define a clear governance model, outlining specific roles and responsibilities to secure your design system is consistently maintained and updated across your organization. This guarantees that everyone knows their design roles and what’s expected of them.

Create a responsibility matrix to visualize the distribution of tasks and decision-making power. This will facilitate cross-functional collaboration and stakeholder engagement, assuring that user experience remains a top priority.

Identify a design owner who’ll oversee the system’s overall direction and vision. This person will be responsible for team alignment and making sure that design decisions align with business goals.

Establish feedback loops to encourage open communication and continuous improvement. This will help you refine your design system over time, making it more effective and efficient.

By defining clear roles and responsibilities, you’ll avoid confusion and miscommunication, ensuring that your design system remains a valuable asset to your organization.

With a solid governance model in place, you’ll be able to scale your design system with confidence, knowing that it’s being maintained and updated by the right people.

2.2 Decision-Making Process

To guarantee your design system remains effective, define a clear decision-making process that outlines how changes are proposed, reviewed, and approved, and who’s responsible for making these decisions.

This process should involve stakeholder involvement from cross-functional teams to confirm everyone is aligned.

Hold regular alignment meetings to discuss user feedback, design iteration, and feature prioritization.

Use data-driven decisions to inform your design choices, and create user personas to guide your decisions.

When proposing changes, create prototypes and test them with real users to validate assumptions.

This will help you make informed decisions that improve the customer journey.

Establish a clear process for reviewing and approving changes, and define the roles and responsibilities of each team member involved.

2.3 Asset Management Plan

By establishing a clear governance model, you define the ownership and maintenance responsibilities for each design asset, guaranteeing that your design system remains organized, up-to-date, and aligned with your business goals.

This governance model should outline the roles and responsibilities of team members, stakeholders, and vendors involved in the design system’s development and maintenance.

To guarantee effective asset management, create an asset inventory that catalogs all design elements, including components, icons, and typography.

This inventory should be regularly updated to reflect changes in the design system.

Establish a clear asset lifecycle process that outlines the creation, review, approval, and retirement of design assets.

This process should include guidelines for asset naming, versioning, and storage.

3. Create a Living Design Language

Establish a single source of truth for your design language by centralizing its components, guidelines, and assets in a dedicated platform or tool, making it easily accessible to your entire team.

This living design language will serve as a foundation for your SaaS design system, enabling you to create consistent, user-centered experiences.

As you gather user feedback and iterate on your design, your design language will evolve.

Make certain that it remains aligned with your brand’s visual identity and messaging, and that it incorporates accessibility considerations from the outset.

Break down your design into modular components, each with clear documentation, to facilitate reuse and scalability.

Conduct user testing to validate your design decisions and refine your visual storytelling.

By doing so, you’ll create a design language that not only enhances user engagement but also adapts to the needs of your business.

With a living design language, you’ll be able to respond to changing user needs and market trends, making sure your SaaS product remains competitive and user-friendly.

4. Prioritize Consistency and Reusability

When building a SaaS design system, you’ll want to prioritize consistency and reusability to create a cohesive user experience.

To achieve this, you’ll need to establish design standards and reduce visual noise, ensuring that your design elements are unified and easy to maintain.

4.1 Establish Design Standards

You’ll need to define a set of design standards that prioritize consistency and reusability across your SaaS application to create a cohesive user experience. This means establishing a single source of truth for your design language, including design guidelines, components, and assets. By doing so, you’ll make certain that your design team is on the same page, and that your users can easily navigate your application.

When establishing design standards, it’s crucial to gather user feedback to understand what works and what doesn’t. This feedback will help you refine your design guidelines, making them more effective and user-centric.

You should also involve stakeholders from various departments to guarantee that your design standards align with business goals and objectives. By establishing a robust set of design standards, you’ll be able to reduce design debt, improve collaboration, and increase the overall quality of your SaaS application.

4.2 Reduce Visual Noise

How can you guarantee that your SaaS application doesn’t overwhelm users with visual clutter, making it difficult for them to focus on what matters most? By reducing visual noise, you can create a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

Start by establishing a consistent color palette and typography hierarchy to create a clear visual language. Optimize your whitespace usage to guide the user’s attention and improve readability. Select a unified iconography set that aligns with your branding and is easily recognizable.

Confirm layout balance by using a grid system and imagery guidelines that support your design standards. Don’t forget to prioritize accessibility features, such as sufficient contrast ratios, to make your application usable by everyone.

5. Develop a Culture of Collaboration

Establish a shared understanding of design system goals and objectives by holding regular cross-functional workshops that bring together stakeholders from product, engineering, and design teams.

These collaborative workshops will help guarantee everyone is on the same page, working towards a common goal. As you facilitate these workshops, encourage open discussion, active listening, and constructive feedback. This will help build trust and foster a sense of ownership among team members.

To make the most of these workshops, define clear objectives, prepare agenda items in advance, and assign action items to specific team members. This will help keep the conversation focused and productive.

Additionally, consider rotating the facilitation role to give different team members a chance to lead and develop their skills. By doing so, you’ll create an environment where cross-functional teams can thrive, and your design system will benefit from diverse perspectives and expertise.

6. Leverage Technology for Efficiency

Streamline your design system’s workflows by integrating the right tools and platforms that automate repetitive tasks, ensuring your team can focus on high-impact activities. By leveraging automation tools, you’ll reduce tedious tasks and free up time for more strategic work.

Develop integration strategies that connect your design system with other critical tools, such as project management software, to create a seamless workflow. Collect user feedback and analyze performance metrics to identify areas for improvement.

Implement agile methodologies to iterate quickly and respond to changing user needs. Consider cloud solutions that provide scalability options, ensuring your design system can grow with your business.

7. Continuously Monitor and Refine

You need to regularly assess your design system’s performance, identifying areas that require refinement and optimization to confirm it remains effective and aligned with your business goals. This involves collecting and analyzing user feedback, conducting user testing, and tracking performance metrics to pinpoint areas for improvement. Through iterative improvements, you can refine your design system to better meet user needs and business objectives.

Regular design audits and accessibility checks will help you identify potential issues and confirm your system remains inclusive and compliant. Engage with stakeholders to gather their insights and feedback, and stay up-to-date with the latest design trends through trend analysis. This will enable you to make informed decisions about future iterations of your design system.


By following these 7 best practices, you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful SaaS design system that enhances user experience and satisfaction.

Remember, a design system is a continuous process, not a one-time project.

Stay committed to your single source of truth, governance model, and living design language.

Prioritize consistency, reusability, and collaboration, and leverage technology to streamline your workflow.

Continuously monitor and refine your system to guarantee it remains aligned with your brand identity and user needs.